Monday, August 30, 2010

BE Patient, BE Kind, BE Loving

Ken made me a very good breakfast, egg-white and 1 egg omelet with toast, potatoes and a cup of coffee.  The kids ate first while he cooked ours and we had a semi-quiet breakfast alone together.  Then we were off to church, Catholic today. 

We decided that we are going to alternate every other week between St. Mary's Church and Woestina Reformed Church.  This way the kids are exposed to both and can later decide for themselves.  Father's homily in a nut shell today , "BE kind and do not judge others for what's wrong with them.  Focus on what's right with them.  You'll be surprised when people are just as surprised about you getting into heaven as the next person." 

When we got home and were making lunch and cleaning up, I really had to do that BE Patient and loving.  The girls were fighting and whining so I just kept saying "I love you, I love you, I love you," to get through and stay calm.  It worked for today, I need to remember it for the next time.

Now onto being healthy and eating right...Ken and Alex made steak fajitas for lunch.  They were very good.
You know what everyone says, "never go to the shopping on an empty stomach."  So I ate first and then left for the grocery store.  Found new perfect iced tea K-cups, raspberry.  LOVE IT!  Enjoying one now as I write and watch soldier tribute videos on youtube.  They are getting me really choked up. This is making me think about my brother, Lars, hoping he's safe.  I wrote this:
Dear Soldier,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country.  Thank you for protecting the USA from harms way and being our heroes everyday.  Please tell your families thank you also, for letting you go and missing you so.  May God Bless you while you are away and bring you home safe.  God Bless you and God Bless America!!
At lunch today again my patience was tested.  I'm trying really hard and I told the kids that was on my BE list, to BE Patient.  Emily asked what's a BE list?  I said "Your BE list isn't just what you want to BE when you grow up, it's the kind of person you want to grow up to BE."  We talked about it more at dinner and I think they might write their own BE lists.

Speaking of dinner, DELICIOUS!  My wonderful, loving husband made spaghetti with beef sauce (stew beef that had been stewing in homemade sauce all afternoon). AMAZING!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

BE Courageous and BE Strong!

" He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

"The fall is so swift and fast.  The challenge is getting back up.
You must dig deep for strength.  One day at a time." 

I borrowed those quotes from 2 friends on facebook.  They were just so true and good and relevant, I had to share.

I got up with Ken this morning to help him get out fishing early, really early.  Ken, Ed and EJ (his 16th birthday) left at 4 am to go way up north in the Adirondack's.  After they left I immediately went back to bed. 

Got up later and had my breakfast with the Today Show.  This morning they were talking about interfaith marriages and it got me thinking.  An interfaith marriage we are not but we are very torn in how to practice our faith.  It came to me that we should treat our Faith Exploration like an Interfaith Marriage.  I think we should alternate churches every other weekend. 
For breakfast I had coffee with 2 slices of toast, 2 eggs and 2 slices of cheese.  The girls had breakfast with their guest and played until noon with her.  Then out with the girls to get ingredients for salad and Sangria.  Had lunch out at Subway 6" turkey & ham with water.  Bought brownies from a bake sale to benefit Breast Cancer- had one when I got home with and iced coffee in my new cup.  LOVE IT!

Great time tonight with our friends.  The guys brought home 2 fish from their early morning venture.  Sherri made a great dinner, Spanish rice & stuffed tomatoes.  I brought a salad and delicious SANGRIA.  I will definitely make that again.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

~BE Patient~

Kids are driving me crazy!  I really want to get things done on the computer and they are fighting over this and that.  UGH!

I made Blueberry Muffins from scratch for breakfast.  DELICIOUS!  I had a few of those with coffee while getting my normal dosage of the Today Show. 
Left over vodka penne and a salad for lunch with iced tea.

I'm very easily frustrated today, trying to remain PATIENT.  
For dinner tonight I made roasted potatoes and chicken with a cucumber tomato salad.  DELICIOUS!

Still feeling very frustrated tonight, like I could cry at any minute and I don't know why. 
Girls are having a friend sleepover and they are still awake.  I'm trying very hard to BE PATIENT.  It's 11:30 pm and I want to go to bed but I can't, they are still up. 

Ahhhhhhh-----------------Quiet ***)
12:14 AM  time to stop working on my artsyBE blog, but I just can't stop.

Friday, August 27, 2010

BEing Healthy Take 2

<Oops!  Let's try again, I can't believe I didn't catch that.  I know why spell check didn't because tan is a word, just not the word I wanted.  So, I'm re-posting this for myself.  I'm not perfect but I'm trying to BE better.>

What is really in my head right now is skinny, but I know I will never BE Skinny.  So I just want to BE Smaller tan than I am today and in doing so BEcome healthier doing it. 
This is going to BE my first step to BEing ME.

I'm going to try journal what I eat for a while.  I'm going to do this right along with my other journal so they BEcome one.

BE Healthy - Eat Healthy

Slept late because of the crazy cat in heat outside my window last night. OMG!  It kept me up for hours.

Usual morning cup of coffee while watching the Today Show with a mini bagel egg and Canadian bacon sandwich.

On the Today Show - BIG NEWS US Troops leaving Iraq.  I hope that means my brother Lars won't have to go now.  While watching my friend Kelly called.  We met her and her boys at Sassafras park.  Then to Walmart for a few things.  Had a healthy lunch, grilled chicken tacos.  Then to Kelly's for the kids to play in their "Water Park."  She has a small pool and water slide.  The kids had so much fun!  I'm glad we went.  It's important to take the time to ENJOY your FRIENDS!  She brought out chips for the kids and fresh strawberries and pineapple for snacks.  JUST SAY NO TO CHIPS- and I did! 
Dinner tonight at my parents to celebrate my Aunt Anne's 75th birthday.  Grilled London Broil,  potatoes, corn and salad with a glass of red wine.  Red wine is good for your health!  So I'm trying to drink it.  Strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.  YUMMY!!!

"We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said,
that the only way to have a friend is to BE one."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 18, 2010

Happy 14th Anniversary!

Enjoyed my daybreak coffee with a banana and a mini bagel with pb&j, while watching the Today Show.
Did the usual morning tasks laundry and beds. 
Eating Healthy!  Tuna on a small roll with grapes and almonds on the side and a glass of Ovalteen.  After lunch Ken and I talked about my BE List and he thinks it's a GREAT IDEA.  He said he would help me set up this blog.  I left the room and came back to find a Pandora bag on the bed.  Ken got me Pandora earrings with interchangeable danglers, pearls and peridot.  BEAUTIFUL!
We actually had an anniversary date at Russo's tonight.  Tried a Grape Cosmo, yum sort of.  It was like  grape koolaid with a kick. French Fries with Gravy for an appetizer and antipasto to share.  Ken ordered stuffed shells with meatballs and I had vodka penne with sausage.  Everything was delicious! 
Real comfort food in a great hometown restaurant. 

Then we had to go home and pick up the kids

Wednesday, August 25, 2010




Artsy-Dreamer-Thinker-Armature Photographer
"Hyper" or Red "HOT" Headed

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

*My BE List*

BE Healthy
  • eat right
  • exercise
  • pray
  • sleep
  • read
  • write
  • love
BE a Crafter
  • jewlery designer
  • card maker
  • pocketbook maker
  • painter
  • photographer
Children's Museum
  • idea
  • design
  • grant
  • open
Go Places
  • Lake Placid
  • Strong Museum
  • Rhode Island
  • NYC
  • Disney
  • Camping
Finish What I Start
  • Front Door
  • School Chairs
  • Kitchen Floor
  • Back Door & Cellar Door
  • Photo Albums
  • Family
  • Ocean
  • Mountains
  • Today Show, Martha & Oprah
  • Santa

Most of these Things have been on my New Year's Resolutions for the past couple of years and I still haven't crossed them off.  RULE:I don't knave to do things exactly as I have written and I might change things or add more along the way.  I JUST HAVE NEED TO BE ME!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Made My First Post

I can't BElieve it, I just made my first blog post.  I did it, but not without help from my computer genius husband.  THANK YOU, KEN! 
I'm feeling excited and scared too.  My BE List idea is out there now, for the world to see. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

My BE List Idea

It's 12:25 am on August 18, 2010,  I tried to go to bed 25 minutes ago and could not fall asleep suddenly this idea came to me to make a BE LIST, so I got up and started writing.

Everyone talks about their "Bucket List," the things they want to do before they die.  Tonight while going to bed late as I often do, I kiss my husband goodnight and looked at the clock, it was 11:57, I realized that in 3 min's it would be our anniversary, 14 years.  14 years of BEing lucky in love with the boy I always thought was cute.  But also 365 days away from 15 years.  15 seams like such a milestone, just like 40, of which I will be in 360 days.  360 days who thinks of their next birthday in days?  Well, I think I finally figured out that's the way to do it, like they always say "take it one day at a time."  So one day at a time I will take it.  I'm going to LIVE my life and BE!  I'm going to BE all the thinks I dream of BEing and sometimes I might BE Happy, sometimes I might BE Sad, sometimes I might even BE Angry.  But I'm always going to BE ME! 

I keep talking about how when the kids go back to school I'm going to take care of myself for a change, well I realized I have started already.  This summer has been so much fun and so relaxing.  I have been laying low and taking it slow for the mornings and then getting things done in the afternoon.  I realized just now at 12:37 am that's because I am preparing myself for the 360 days ahead of me to BE ME!  The me I dream of and want to BE.  So I decided I'm going to make a BE LIST, something Ken has always wanted me to do just never called it that before.  I always just said, I was what I wanted to BE and that I was happy.  What more could I ask for...I am a wife and a mother of 3 great children Alex, Emily and Amy.  I get to stay home and nurture and guide them, and hug them and kiss them.  Thankfully the diaper days are over.  In just a few weeks Amy our youngest will be starting pre-K for 1/2 day all week.  Friends have been asking me if I'm going to cry and I say no.  Then they ask,"what are you going to do with all that time?"  First I say, "it's not that much time, it's only 2 1/2 hours a day."  Then I say, "I'm going to take care of ME."  WOW 2 1/2 hours a day to myself!  What ever will I do with daylight hours to myself?  And then it dawned on me tonight while trying to fall asleep.  I'm going to BE!  For the next 360 days until I turn 40 I'm going to BE ME!

I'm going to take care of me while still being ME the wife and mother.  I'm going to document my journey here.  I'm going to come up with my BE List of the things I want to do while I am BEing ALIVE and LIVING my life before it's too late.  Life is too short not to BE yourself and the person you should BE. 

So here it goes...
Making up the list is going to take time and then trying to accomplish them is going to BE hard.  But for once in my life I feel passionate about something I think I can do.  The list I have in my mind will consist of different things, some are places to go, some are feelings but all will get me closer to BEing ME.  SO lets start this journey together 1 day at a time.  Let's BE!

I need to add that the whole reason I'm  doing this is because of loosing people too young and to many young people I know are getting sick right now. My childhood friend Stacy died 2 years ago to breast cancer, leaving behind 5 kids and her husband alone.  Now my friend Deb is fighting cancer for the second time.  Also another Deb that I went to High School with is fighting cancer.  Two other firnds have had cancer scared in the last few months.  And now my uncle is being tested for cancer.  And yet my grandmother is 97 years youn and has out lived 3 husbands raising 5 children on her own.  My other grandmother lived to be 93.  If I only knew thier secrets to a long life.  It's too late to ask Granny but it's not to late to ask Grandma, so I will ad that to my list.

I'm going to start from day 1 tomorrow, which is really today since it's 1:43 AM.  I better get to bed, tomorrow is a BIG day!

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