Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving Vacation

It's been a while since I've written, that's because we took a family vacation.  We surprised the kids with a Thanksgiving Trip to see Grammy and Grampy in Florida.  It really was wonderful to BE on vacation and leave our worries behind.  Everyone knew about the trip accept our kids and Grampy because the BIG SURPRISE was his 70th birthday party.  The surprise was a HUGE SUCCESS!   Emotions were on overload and Grampy was brought to tears by the sight of his family all together. 

I love the saying, "there's a first time for everything."  We spent Thanksgiving morning on the beach for the first time.  It was beautiful to take in the wonders of God's World.  The kids played in the sand and the crashing waves.  They searched in the broken sea shells for sharks teeth and found Baby Ghost Crab smaller than your thumb nail.
From start to finish my eyes were wide open seeing all of the things which I am thankful for.
And even in the midst of a stormy day we were able to experience the beauty of a perfect rainbow.   After a long day driving through the rain we found the end of our rainbow, EXIT 27, home sweet home!!!!!

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