I'm 50!
I started this blog the year leading up to my 40th birthday. I started it as motivation for me. Eleven years ago I was feeling lost. I was lost in my childrens lives, but exactly where I wanted to be. That might not make sense to you but it's exactly how I felt. During the past 11 years I have found myself and lost myself a few more times. Now I just turned 50 and I'm waking myself back up and giving artsyBE a reboot. I'm doing and BEcoming the me I used to BE, I'm supposed to BE and I want to BE. As we all know the world as we knew it was lost for 18 month with the Covid pandemic. The year 2020 was hard for everyone, but before the world around me shut down my family suffered a tragic loss. In January 2020, my niece Abbey Mae Luffman died suddenly due to a short battle with ITP, she was only 16 years old. Abbey was a smart, witty, smiley, athletic, beautiful girl, full of life. When Abbey got her drivers license she chose to be an organ donor. I have always approached life a little differently than those around me, my eyes are always wide open, always paying attention to the world around me. I see things even more differently now and make sure to LIVE every day BEing the best I can BE. Like I said I'm being honest, I'm far from perfect, and I'm going to let you see the real me. Previously I didn't post pictures of myself in my blog, but moving forward I'm going to embrace it. I still feel lost every once in a while. Every day isn't easy, some are harder than others to stay focused. But whenever Ken asks me where do I see myself I still see myself here, being an artistic wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Taking it one day at a time, each step closer to BEing the best version of me and sharing my passion with others. ArstyBE is the only vision I have every had besides being a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. So in future posts I will fill you in on things that have happened since my last post in 2019 and moving forward.

Kayaking on Mason Lake in the Adirondacks on my 50th birthday
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